Διαδικτυακό σεμινάριο EYBA σε συνεργασία με το Συμβούλιο της Ευρώπης

The European Young Bar Association in cooperation with the Council of Europe HELP Programme and European Association of Lawyers (AEA-EAL) is planning to implement an on-line HELP Course “Ethics for Lawyers” for a group of lawyers.The HELP course covers, in an interactive way, the key concepts and principles, the International and European (CoE and EU) framework as well as the relevant case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). It seeks to address ethical dilemmas in the performance of professional duties by deepening the knowledge and understanding of professional tools and developing reflective skills, based on practical examples. More information about the course is available on Council of Europe’s website.

The period for implementation of the HELP course is approximately 5-6 weeks, which includes an online launching event of half a day and flexible time for participants to learn the content of the course. Participants will be provided with additional learning and practical materials that they could keep for their further reference. The course will be held in English and moderated by HELP certified tutors. The learning time for this HELP course is 22 hours. After successful completion of the course (passing the test based on learnt content) the participants will receive a certificate issued by the Council of Europe.The size of the group will be limited to 40 lawyers. Participants will be accepted based on the following criteria: (1) geographical balance; and (2) first come first served in case more participants come from the same country.

EYBA members have the opportunity and are invited to participate in this HELP course, free of charge.In order to register for the course please send your expression of interest to EYBA’s email info@eyba.org before 26 March 2022 (8PM CET) containing the following information:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Position (lawyer or trainee lawyer)
  • Country

Specify if you are applying as:– EYBA individual memberor– member of an EYBA Organisation member (in this case specify the name of the Association you belong to).The start date of the course will be communicated later, after coordination between Council of Europe, EYBA and AEA-EAL. Tentatively, the launch of the course might be planned for the mid of April 2022.Shall you have any questions please send them to info@eyba.org.

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